Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is phishing website?

I was creating a sign in seal and they said it was to protect again a phishing website. WHat does phishing mean, and what does a phishing website do?What is phishing website?
Phising means when say for example bebo, this is when a hacker creates a web page exactly like bebo but it is fake. so when you type ur details in the hacker will get them. Its more or less a website that hackers try to copy so they can get your details.What is phishing website?
Phishing means making fake pages of a website. For example making fake login page of facebook or Yahoo or blogger or any. This is most useful and easy for the hackers. Hackers generate fake message and send to the users.

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What is phishing website?
Phishing is when someone attempts to get your secret information, like passwords or social security number, etc., by pretending to be a website that you go to frequently, like your bank, but it's really a fake bank website, and when you enter in your password, it doesn't go to the bank, it goes to the criminal instead, and then they use it to empty out your account at the REAL bank website.

That's why you should never, EVER, enter your password into a website unless you see that the address of that website, up at the top of your browser window, begins with https... All websites start with http, but only SECURE websites have the "s" at the end: https, so be sure to look for it, EVERY TIME!!!

Good luck, and the link below is to a webpage all about Phishing...

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