Saturday, February 25, 2012

How do i report phishing attempts in my yahoo email?

These individual(s) constantly send emails or IMs requesting personal info. They use Yahoo, Microsoft etc as endorsers or even the actual company itself. I know better and it is annoying but it must still work because they keep trying. What can I do to assist in the apprehension of these terrible low lifes? I want to report them to proactive individuals.How do i report phishing attempts in my yahoo email?
The previous answerer gave you one solution, but that's only if the email pretends to be from Yahoo itself. If it's supposedly coming from some other source, reporting it to Yahoo won't help you, Yahoo or the other company. But the fact remains that this is spam and I can't help but wonder if you aren't getting these out of your bulk mail. If so, why on earth are you grubbing around in the junk mail? That's what bulk is for, to keep you from having to deal with this stuff.
...for lucee:

Andie's question wasn't "How do I avoid this?" but, rather, "How do I help NAIL THESE SLIMES?" Your answer, as in another, similar case, was less than 100% helpful...

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How do i report phishing attempts in my yahoo email?
Agreeing with Dr. dB. Also, I'm glad to read, lucee, that you have such confidence in's spam blocking software that you never go "grubbing around in the junk mail." I for one, find legitimate emails in there regularly. So, I check it regularly.

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I agree with DrdB and EdM - I was searching this same question because I have received phishing emails in my regular inbox, NOT my spam box. So your assumption that anyone getting those must be "getting them out of your junk mail" is ludicrous. And why was your answer chosen as the best one???

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How do i report phishing attempts in my yahoo email?

Forward the emails (including all headers).

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