Saturday, February 25, 2012

How can you tell a phishing email from a real one?

Have you ever gotten a phishing email? I'm pretty sure I've gotten at least one now.

How did you deal with it? What's the proper protocol for dealing with it?

Are you supposed to report these emails to someone?How can you tell a phishing email from a real one?
DELETE IT. Do not reply, do not forward, just delete it.

You can tell if you are getting a phishing e-mail by checking the photos in the e-mail by right-clicking them and viewing their properties. That will show you where the photo is coming from on the internet. If it from a top level domain you trust (ie. then it is fine.

True e-mails will never ask you to validate your credit card number or any personal information.

Also read the e-mail carefully, if there are grammar mistakes, even slight ones, it is probably a phishing e-mail.

Last of all, DELETE it immediately. If you reply or forward this e-mail, the person who sent it will know they have a live e-mail address and bombard you with e-mails or sell your address to shady marketing departments who use these live e-mail addresses to spam you.How can you tell a phishing email from a real one?
How would the person who sent it know you forwarded it?

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How can you tell a phishing email from a real one?
You can contact your business it's supposedly from and let them know it is happening. If it was anything serious the company would send you something in the mail about it anyways and there really not trust me they back up all your information every day or every few days.
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